The Importance of Project Based Photography

I've been working away on a new project. A lot of the time when beginning a project I have no idea what the project is actually going to be about. Sure sometimes places can fit within the a broader project such as documenting or the Tasmanian Art Deco and Modernism project but its just one theme I have when capturing my photos. Staying curious and getting out to explore ideas and places helps connect my internal thoughts for what may become a project. Once I would have just photographed singular images and it was a literal interpretation of a moment and place. Sometimes it still can be but now much of my work and fulfilment comes from project based photography; telling a story through a series of photographs. To be involved in a project I often visit a location over and over again, capturing it and getting to know it in different lighting and just to be within a space, alone and thinking about things is so wonderful for my creative process. Sometimes its like the building is a person that is fading away and will soon by no more and I find it so important to create an emotive record of these places before they are lost forever. Sometimes photographs can sit for years unseen before they make it into a body of work I am happy with . Whilst the Internet and social media is a great platform for sharing I don't think it can ever encapsulate the joy of long term projects in the way that making printed images and photo books do, something which I really enjoy and is part of the overall process (making books and prints) of making my photographs.