St James' Cathedral - Townsville

St James’ Cathedral in Townsville was designed in stages from 1955 by a Melbourne Architect Louis Williams and in 1959-1960 by Townsville architects, Black and Paulsen. It’s a sticking example of Modernist church architecture. Interestingly the Cathedral started its life in the late 19th Century which can still be seen today when you explore the church where a fusion of Modernism and the original cathedral design from the late 1800s.

Far North Queensland has a rich diversity of design from the Art Deco and Modernist era. Having grown up here, the region has had a big influence on my architectural photography practice and documentation of my Tasmanian Art Deco and Modernism project. I would like to share some of the places and architecture of my childhood in future posts. Like my Tasmanian Art Deco and Modernism project I’ve worked on for over two decades, I have been documenting FNQ for over a similar period of time. Selected photographs from this project are now available on my website store here