Of What Remains...Southbank Melbourne

A capture for my project/s documenting the rapid change happening in Melbourne and its suburbs and for my project Insignificant Moments. On my walks I sometimes have a plan of what I want to shoot but a lot of the time I just walk for many kilometres and see what interests me. My photography is very project driven so scenes I come across can sometimes fit nicely into a multiplicity of possible project plans and ideas.

This scene is of one of the few remaining older buildings in the Southbank precinct, a reminder of what was a common sight in this once industrial and manufacturing landscape. Today the area is one of the most rapidly altered in terms of such rapid change to the built landscape. Since photographing here over many years a lot has been demolished, decaying and so many skyscrapers have taken their place. I find it interesting how it feels like another world from the touristy Southbank esplanade and how its like you've entered another dimension. View my project documenting Melbourne and its rapid change here. My book ''Insignificant Moments'' is now available through my website store