Insignificant Moments - Book and Prints Available Now

I am excited to make available my latest publication - Insignificant Moments. Book and prints from the project available through my website via the link in the bio above. Thank you for your support!

About the project - Insignificant Moments explores concepts relating to the built environment we engage with every day, including loneliness, isolation, atomisation and vulnerability, and considers the notion that the insignificant moments in our daily lives are the soul of these man-made spaces. Steeped in the austere and the lonely, there is nevertheless an inherent beauty in these insignificant moments.

As a photographer, I regularly immerse myself in exploring the built environment to find inspiration for my projects. Here, Iā€™m inspired by the architecture, streets, and fleeting moments in a rushed world.

Insignificant Moments provides me with the opportunity to capture the fragility and ephemeral nature of human presence in the built environment. Being surrounded by people moving around in their own worlds within this environment, it struck me that I could go days without conversing with another human being. These feelings and perceptions are emphasised in this project through solitary figures overshadowed and dwarfed by the structures they pass by.

Book + Prints from the project available now through my website here